Day 15: Happy Sunday and Merry Christmas everyone.
Thank you all who have been subscribing and doing the gratitude journey with me called 29 love letters. The holiday season is my favorite and it’s also bitter sweet as many of our loved ones have crossed over, including our father.
But it is our family that taught us as children that life goes on and so does the fiesta.
Pero we do acknowledge that grief does a number on the human spirit…
when a loved one transitions, it could break a human to the point that they too die in the living flesh.
I felt like a part of me died when my father passed away.
And I needed that time to go inside, to be alone, to pour out all of my emotions, the anger, the regrets, the sadness, the missed opportunities.
This journey has taught me that one must be careful because grief has the power to take over your life in a way that can impact your most precious relationships if one chooses to stay in grief and never leaves the cycles of grief.
If this is you right now… please don’t judge yourself for your grief. Instead, I lovingly invite you to get a journal and start taking simple steps towards releasing / repurposing that grief with appreciation.
Having a gratitude practice is what helped me manage the deepest grief I’ve known to date. And it’s opened me up to a poetic beauty that I could have never imagined.
The idea that we will always have tomorrow…
Tomorrow is not promised. Let’s not live with any more regrets. Do something today that you have been putting off, hesitating to do or face. Say what you have not said. Apologize. Forgive. Maybe your first step is to acknowledge your feelings. Write them down. Release it in your journal.
Mi gente, not even at our father’s own funeral did we allow the party to stop.
We laughed, we cried, we sang, we played music (my dad’s favorites) and we even hired musicians to play some of our dad’s favorite classics.
We also shared food and drink.
Our father embodied the love of family, gatherings, music, food, festivities and dancing.
Even in death, the order of the day, the order of the spirit was / is to enjoy the present and enjoy the presence of loved ones that are there with you now. Family… imperfect treasures, sometimes our biggest pains.
But they are our family. And this is the blessing I am celebrating today…
Familia…. The good, loud pain in the stubborn bunZ.
Are you interested in joining me for the 29 Day journey?
We will also be doing this journey in JANUARY… so jump in!
SAY YES - CLICK HERE to Make a Gratitude Donation Now
In these daily posts,
You will be invited to share your gratitude in real time in the comment section below.
These posts will include videos and links that inspire more love and goodness.
You are asked to maintain a daily gratitude journal and record your thoughts.
There will also be RECOMMENDATIONS of simple actions you can take that can inspire more gratitude in your life.
Tips: Please be present. Please post at least a simple gratitude. Please keep the commitment. And please be ok if you miss a day. This practice is meant to get you in the Appreciation Vibration and this means being gentle with yourself and this journey. No guilt. You can start any time.
Today I want to express gratitude for my 'adult' children...God I love them soo much and I am soo proud of them! They are both such different humans and two of my biggest teachers and pain in the asses too! I am soo happy to have this opportunity to be their mom. Like all moms I too have regrets for mistakes or moments I wish I could re-do or do better. I pray that they will forgive me for my shortcomings and I also pray that I will always continue to strive to be the best mom that I can be to them...