“Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love.”
Don Miguel Ruiz
Day 26: I would be a very rich woman if I listed all of the criticisms I have UNINVITEDLY received since I was a teeny RA.
I am who I am.
And I’ve been who I have been… I have always had an adventurous heart. I have always been a free spirit. I have never enjoyed feeling smothered not even as a baby. I don’t ever tell others how to lead their life and I always prefer to communicate with kindness.
As a baby I didn’t like sleeping in the same bed with my parents. I was already advocating for independence back then. lol
It is hilarious to me the way people get their panties bunched up when I don’t conform to their expected responses.
Everyday I receive colorful comments from folks. It’s part of the price one pays to be a content creator. It helps you develop thick skin. I do pretty well with the harsh criticisms I receive, but when the criticisms come from someone in my inner circle, that shit could be destabilizing sometimes, especially when folks decide to be fresh and flex their connection on my social media profiles. That action communicates volumes to me.
If you are a part of my inner circle and feel more comfortable blasting me in public than actually picking up the phone to ask me directly about your gripe, I will not respond. THIS IS DISRESPECTFUL.
My best friend since the age of five was the first to describe me as a free-spirit. We are best friends til this day because she accepts me as I am and I accept her as she is. The foundation of our friendship is love, respect, and being truthful. We are both different and we lead very different lives, yet our friendship is very strong.
This is the blessing I am celebrating today. I am grateful for people like my best friend who accept me as I am without trying to manipulate my opinions or my actions.
We the People do not practice kindness, respect, compassionate listening and communicating enough. Perhaps we should….
Are you interested in joining me for the 29 Day journey?
We will also be doing this journey in JANUARY… so jump in!
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In these daily posts,
You will be invited to share your gratitude in real time in the comment section below.
These posts will include videos and links that inspire more love and goodness.
You are asked to maintain a daily gratitude journal and record your thoughts.
There will also be RECOMMENDATIONS of simple actions you can take that can inspire more gratitude in your life.
Tips: Please be present. Please post at least a simple gratitude. Please keep the commitment. And please be ok if you miss a day. This practice is meant to get you in the Appreciation Vibration and this means being gentle with yourself and this journey. No guilt. You can start any time.