Dec 1 Means it’s Day 1 of 29 Days of Gratitude Love Letters - Will You Join Me?
Welcome to 29 Love Letters,
The intention of this space is PRESENCE. Being real in real time with yourself and your current state and finding something to appreciate in that moment.
For the next 29 Days my intention is to share something that I am grateful for on this Substack. You are invited to join me in this gratitude journey by commenting each day on the post. Some days will be themed. Some days there will be a recommendation.
For added value, I recommend you invest in a gratitude journal and record your daily thoughts there.
They say that gratitude is the key to happiness and I believe this is true.
For over ten years I have shared this 29 Day Journey with thousands of people and it has been life changing and love shifting not just for me but for many others as well.
DAY 1: Share your gratitude for someone you are grateful for:
Today I want to express my gratitude for my sister Alex. She is my best friend and business partner. She is the other half of Cafecito Break.
Alex, I am grateful for your presence in my life. Thank you for being such a beautiful thoughtful human being. Thank you for gentleness and for your faith in me and my dreams. We have so much more to go… And I am happy we’ve been together for each journey.
Is there someone in our life you are grateful for?
Feel free to comment below.
Are you interested in joining me for the 29 Day journey?
SAY YES by Making a Gratitude Donation Now
In these daily posts,
You will be invited to share your gratitude in real time in the comment section below.
These posts will include videos and links that inspire more love and goodness.
You are asked to maintain a daily gratitude journal and record your thoughts.
There will also be RECOMMENDATIONS of simple actions you can take that can inspire more gratitude in your life.
Tips: Please be present. Please post at least a simple gratitude. Please keep the commitment. And please be ok if you miss a day. This practice is meant to get you in the Appreciation Vibration and this means being gentle with yourself and this journey. No guilt. You can start any time.
Oh my goodness...she loves me :)!! I am grateful for her love and I am also grateful for her friendship, mentorship and companionship!! #myadventurebuddy