Gratitude Testimonials
29 Love Letters / 29 Days of Gratitude - A Mastermind of Love, Kindness, & Appreciation - founded by Rosangel Perez
It all started December 2009, Rosangel Perez decided to honor her father's memory by committing to a gratitude practice for a year. In order to keep herself motivated and honest, she decided she would share her gratitude practice on Facebook and Twitter which she called 1blessingaday. For 365 days, she used 140 characters of space to share her Gratitude Tweets. In less than 30 days of sharing her gratitude practice, Rosangel noticed her grieving heart felt lighter and happier. She started to really take notice of the blessings around her.
Simple lessons unfolded:
being simple concise
moving authentically thru feelings
allowing creative space
allowing an easy breath
allowing an easy walk
smelling the flowers
and stopping to touch and feel them and so much more.
The simple practice of gratitude opens the door to your divinity.
"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend." ~Melody Beattie
This is the inspiration to the birth of "The Gratitude Movement" and "29 Days of Gratitude" A practice that has been shared with thousands of people.
Sarete – Yes! I am so grateful mis hermanitas started this movement, invited me, that I joined and managed to complete all 29 days….woooo hoooo! I must admit that I am proud of myself. More importantly it was truly a life changing experience on many levels. It provided me with a forum to go to on a daily basis and exposed me to a beautiful mindset and wonderful heartfelt words by genuinely loving people! It offered me new and motivating challenges to raise the heart frequency and increase the love energy through affirmation, movement and imagery!!! It provoked me to dig deep and sometimes just on the surface for all that I am grateful for! It created a time for daily life assessment and personal contemplation–meditative moment of loving acceptance for the good and the bad. This daily activity adjusted my attitude on life and about myself hence improving my relationship with others and being fierce about loving life and everyone! The Gratitude Movement enriched my life and expanded my world THANK YOU SISTERS” It made me a believer that with LOVE all is possible!
I am grateful for a second round of 29 days of love alchemy”
Muchisimas Gracias Mis
Joe . – I wish to express my gratitude to the Love Lives Here movement. When I started doing this I had no intention of benefit, I even started 4 days late, but I was wrong! 29 Days of Gratitude has become the catalyst to a transformation deep within my soul, a whisper in my ear that gave me courage. Teaching me to express myself, taking me miles away from where I was, a trip within my mind, and I searched deep within. Ask yourself…What is truly important? There is so much to make you smile, so much to love, and we waste so much time on what is wrong. Why…We listen to all the wrong people. Love like hate is infectious. In time it will spread when people are exposed. This movement created an out pouring emotion, what I received was intoxicating, a high. I want to make the world smile. Now I think, maybe I can.
Sheryl - Thanks for inviting me. It has been a very uplifting journey. It has raised my conscience and my soul. It has made me laugh and cry. it has made me see who I really am. (on 29 Days of forgiveness)
M B - The past ten days have been life changing as a result of this process. I am struggling with chronic fatigue and everyday is a struggle to get the littlest thing done.
In these days, this process has enabled me to be gentle and forgiving with myself. In forgiving daily and hourly I let go of the resentments and all the indignation I have held on to. Without this I think i would have blamed everyone for what I am experiencing. Perhaps it is the united energy and intention that allows the power of a forgiving spirit to be so active. Through this I have come to be grateful for whatever still is. Almost as soon as I see fault or something wrong I am called to gratitude. I know that I would have been much much worse had I not engaged this healing 29 days. (on 29 Days of Forgiveness)
Herum – I wanted to thank you again for the gratitude movement! You have created something wonderful and amazing! Each day is a new miracle and now I see it more clearly than ever. Thank you so much
Shannon – So grateful to this gratitude movement and it’s founders and to all who post their Gratitudes, experiences, tenderness and other heart lifting things! It has been a great experience! Hugs to all!
Nelson – This movement has allowed me to really stop and think and to take a deeper look at my every day life and not take everything for granted. Today I am grateful for this movement.
Foley – This has reminded me to stop and smell the carnations (I’m not a fan of roses)… I now wake up, look in the mirror and LOVE what I see… I then “pay attention” to what is really going on around me! I just love my “new glasses” that allow me to really see my surroundings and appreciate the little things! Thank YOU!
Lundquist ~ Indeed I am very thankful for the daily boost from you and others that have reminded me how OK it is to be grateful and how important it is to say that love does live here! No shame or secrets in honesty!
Seth ~ Thank you for my daily focal point ! I had to look through my life and see what I had done and in a good way and be grateful to feel great in the end. Love does live here.!
D. – At this moment, a simple thank you seems most relevant since it’s hard to express how rewarding this path has been and will continue to be. I have been moved to my core by joining this movement and know that it’s given me valuable insights to living a truthful, gentle and fearless life. mucho love to all of you who have taken this journey with me.
Flowers – Oh the last 29 day’s have left me SOOOOO much more Enlightened I’ve felt a shift in me that is truly Magical and I’ve never felt more Calm and at Peace Each and Every single day I feel more Loving energy flowing thru me and around me and the Calm and Peace sets in and i’m truly in Absolutely in Awe of how Blissfully Happy and Content i’m feeling now Thank you for this Truly Glorious Ride of Love Love Love and Gratitude I’m SOOOOO Happy Excited and Extremely Gratefull for another 29 days WHOOP WHOOP lol Love Lives Here I love that SOOOOO much Love, Light, Peace & Harmony Always and Forever xoxoxoxox.
Burgos - ”I am grateful for Rosangel Perez. For always listening and taking action. This was at The Visiones Women’s Workshop with Gloria Rodríguez a couple of years ago.
RA thanks for listening to me, for dancing crazily, making strange noises, funny faces and just including me in your circle. Most importantly thank you for sharing the same vision of sisterhood and community. Thank you for not sitting back but taking action to help everyone! .... God is good, the Universe will guide and provide. Know that you are loved.
Gerstein -Day 29: of 29 days of gratitude, wow! What a great journey it's been. Everyday I've focused on something different in my life that I'm grateful for. Today I am grateful for you all in this group who have inspired me and each other to keep focused on the love inside ourselves, and the bounty in our lives. Thank you all!
Gonzalez - Grateful for having another day full of things to be grateful about, so thank you for this open forum u provided me and many others to show others that there is still love and greatness in this world!...
Michele - Day 29: Wow! I can't believe June is over! There are times when I can't put my gratitude into words, simply because I'm just grateful! I'm grateful for all the wonderful people in my life. I'm grateful for all that my life is, and all that it's yet to be. I'm grateful to be listening to the voice of my soul, and let it guide me in the right direction. I'm grateful to feel gratitude and to be able to breathe it in at any moment of the day. And I'm grateful for this event that encouraged me to pay attention to my gratitude each day. #loveliveshere
Lori - As others have posted, I am grateful for this 29 Days of Gratitude! Looking forward to the next one! Thank you!!
Shannon - So grateful to this gratitude movement and it's founders and to all who post their Gratitudes, experiences, tenderness and other heart lifting things! It has been a great experience! Hugs to all!
Nikki - I'm so grateful for the wonderful soul that decided to launch the 29 Days of Gratitude page. I'm pleased I was able to be a part of this experience and will continue to meditate on this. ~Namaste~ #loveliveshere
Johansen- Thank you! wonderful...beautiful soul who started all this.
Love you to
Leanne -Last day!: I'm grateful for The Gratitude Movement!!! Thank you Rosangel Perez for bringing out the gratitude all over! It was swirling and twirling and whirling all around, and it was BEAUTIFUL !!
Valerie H - Thank you to the team behind this site for helping me and others remember how important and healthy it is to be grateful each day.
Lawson - Thank you for this journey. To the Gratitude Movement lives with you in abundance. You threw the pebble in the pond and the ripples and rings of gratitude and love are shared by us all. I am truly blessed and grateful. Thank you.
Weissman - I'm grateful for belonging to a fellowship where a bunch of strangers can get together and reminisce......
J- Day 16/17: I was not able to make a post yesterday. I strangely have a little bit of guilt for not being part of this movement. Its not sufficient to accept to much got in my way. I have had so much positive feedback, it's difficult not to enjoy. I'm grateful to enjoy this experience. When thoughts and feeling are put out into the world it can be difficult. As a man you are brought up in society to believe expressions of emotion expose vulnerabilities. I realized it is more difficult to search the day for a moment of gratitude then to live the day away being just content, or living a life of dissatisfaction, some only with a desire to complain. It can be difficult to be good, so simple to be bad. Who's really watching? It can be difficult sometimes to smile, so easy to absorb oneself in personal sadness. This must be acknowledged as unacceptable behavior! Accept a modification is necessary. I think that is the beauty of this movement. Personal behavioral modification is rewarding. An achievement usually accepted to be forced on an individual by a friends weak metaphors, some fortune cookie proverb. Though this movements ability to change has a greater meaning. It can create personal growth,
Cathy - I thought it was wonderful! We as a society are negative by nature...this makes you stop, think and focus on the positives...are no matter how negative "things" may seem. There is always a glimpse if positive hiding in there, just waiting to come out. As someone who inspires me tremendously says..."the same wind blows on us all, it's the set of the sail that determines our path"... have a blessed day! xo
Munoz - This journey has challenged me to grow in ways I always wanted to but was too afraid to try. I'm thankful for the change in my life that I've embraced. I've finally signed up for school which I've been wanting to do for about a year now and I'm carefully planning more goals for the months that will help me obtain my big goal in mind. I've learned to accept myself and how I am physically and everything I am as a mother, daughter and partner. I am more comfortable in myself that I finally chopped my hair to learn to love how I look without hiding behind hair. I've invited few friends to join next month and I hope everyone one day stops to realize all the beauty that is all ready in their own lives. My sight was just blinded but insecurities an doubt. Since joining I've found strength in loving an learning again. Thank you for this movement.
McCluskey I have enjoyed the connection with others that are making the effort toward happy thoughts, gratitude, peace...These are feelings we all enjoy, but at times there are people and experiences that challenge us. With this movement we can inspire each other and work together to make a positive change in our lives, in the lives of others and the world we live in.
Vázquez Beautiful to be connected in gratitude with the earth trybe. Cultivating gratitude takes daily practice and it is essential like love, air, water, food, hugs, peace and chocolate. Namaste!
Conde - For me it was therapy. I had to make time for me and my thoughts at least for a moment every day, which doesn't come easy or often.... started out as a challenge and now I am hopeful it becomes a positive life habit~one NOT 2 quit