
It's More Time For Love! Let's Tune In & Tune Up! Join RA's Gratitude Challenge starting Jan 1st

29 Love Letters
Cross-post from 29 Love Letters
RA's Testimonial and an invitation! -

My Testimonial.

Thank you for everyone who joined this journey of 29 Love Letters.

We will be doing this journey in JANUARY… so jump in!

29 Love Letters: A Mastermind of Love, Kindness, & Appreciation - founded by Rosangel Perez

Make a commitment NOW by CLICKING here and offering a gratitude donation.

This ensures that you will show up and be vested in this journey. Usually people offer a donation of about $30-$50. It’s up to you.

And be sure to get a journal.

In these daily posts,

  • You will be invited to share your gratitude in real time in the comment section below or record your gratitude in your journal.

  • You are invited to take a few minutes each day and sit in silence and practice deep slow breaths.

  • These posts will include videos and links that inspire more love and goodness.

  • You are asked to maintain a daily gratitude journal and record your thoughts.

  • There will also be RECOMMENDATIONS of simple actions you can take that can inspire more gratitude in your life.

Tips: Please be present. Please post at least a simple gratitude. Please keep the commitment. And please be ok if you miss a day. This practice is meant to get you in the Appreciation Vibration and this means being gentle with yourself and this journey. No guilt. You can start any time.

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend." ~Melody Beattie

Here is a gratitude note we received just the other day.

Roland - An excellent idea. It has been a challenging year for me in many respects but coincidentally, I am making a habit of taking time every day to reflect on what I am grateful for. To start, I am grateful for you two lovely sisters who are creating this space and are always connecting with people to share important ideas. So thank you both for who you are and what you do.

Still not sure? Go back to Day 1 read my daily posts.

Still not sure? Read our Testimonials.


DIVE IN! CLICK HERE and Make a Gratitude Donation Now

OK now its your turn to share your gratitude.

Feel free to comment below or record your thoughts in your daily gratitude journey.